• photography by Clara Pereira / text by Filipe Freitas

The unshakable trio led by the pianist/composer Marcin Wasilewski gave a warm performance at the Dizzy’s Club Coca-Cola last Wednesday, June 22.
The concert, carried out within the scope of the Polish Jazz Festival, which is occurring in New York City during six days in different venues, was mostly composed of songs from his latest album, “Spark of Life”, one of the four released by the ECM Records.

Wasilewski, who has been playing with the bassist Slawomir Kurkiewicz and the drummer Michal Miskiewicz for almost 23 years, and is also a preponderant presence in Tomasz Stanko and Manu Katché’s projects, demonstrated in his own uncompromising style that rapport is quite valuable. Their performance was almost like listening to the records, but with the privilege of seeing them interact without a single hesitation, almost as if just a single musician were on stage.

Producing a dramatic and sedative effect, the velvety sounds of “Spark of Life” filled the packed room as a consequence of Wasilewski’s beautiful chords and melodies, here consistently bolstered by the confluent work of the rhythm section.
Following “Sudovian Dance”, which emitted an unfluctuating light while kept inviting us to a floating dance, the trio played “Night Train To You”, an engaging tune retrieved from the 2011 album, “Faithful”.

The next couple of songs were “Three Reflections”, a contemplative acknowledgement of inspiration, and “Austin”, a gentle ballad that pays tribute to the American pianist Austin Peralta who died at the age of 22.
The rousing “Actual Proof” by Herbie Hancock, played with flourishing emotion, put an end to another night of rich and tuneful jazz at the Dizzy’s Club.