Gerald Clayton - Bells on Sand

Label: Blue Note Records, 2022

Personnel - Gerald Clayton: piano, organ, Rhodes, vibraphone; MARO: vocals (#3,9); Charles Lloyd; tenor saxophone (#9); John Clayton: bass (#1,3); Justin Brown: drums (#1,3,5,6).

For his sophomore Blue Note album, the pianist and composer Gerald Clayton put together a multi-generational group to perform four of his own compositions and three covers. The remaining trio of tracks are solo deliveries - two distinct interpretations of the splendorous jazz standard “My Ideal” (multi-layered vs. solo piano version) and Gerald’s uncle Jeff’s tune “There is Much Music Where You’re Going My Friends”, a blues-gospel reflex of optimism. 

The opening track, “Water’s Edge”, is a heartfelt exploration of spirituality expressed with refined lyricism at a slow tempo. The piece features Gerald’s bassist father John Clayton, who stinted with the Count Basie Orchestra in the ‘70s and worked with Ray Brown, Milt Jackson and Dee Dee Bridgewater.

Gerald, who is unabashedly entranced by the sounds of two mentors - the late trumpeter Roy Hargrove and the legendary saxophonist Charles Lloyd - dedicates one piece to each of them. “That Roy” evokes the sound of the former by lacing relaxing jazz vibes with touches of soul and R&B. This is followed by “RIP”, an elegiac short thread that swells in intensity with the effective drumming of Justin Brown. The unparalleled Mr. Lloyd is featured in the prayerful sax-piano duet “Peace Invocation”. They shimmer and dance, bringing that peace of mind that makes us forget for a moment what the world is going through.

Delivered with high levels of intimacy and empathy, “Elegia” and “Damunt De Tu Només Les Flors” show Gerald’s love for the Spanish composer Federico Mompou. Both renditions present a fresh instrumentation, with the latter (a standout track), featuring the exquisite, dreamy voice of Lisbon-born singer MARO. She returns later on to lull us with the phenomenal “Just a Dream”, a Clayton song about love and parenthood. 

There are no pressurized or discordant moments on this album. Clayton explores his feelings smoothly and generously through clear passages. The professionals he hired came together well to assemble an even-keeled body of work that more than satisfies.

Favorite Track:
01 - Water’s Edge ► 07 - Just a Dream ► 09 - Peace Invocation