Matt Mitchell - Zealous Angles

Label: Pi Recordings, 2024

Personnel - Matt Mitchell: piano; Chris Tordini: bass; Dan Weiss: drums.

Notable pianist Matt Mitchell has earned accolades as an inventive composer and improviser, known for his brainy avant-jazz (de)constructions often layered with motivic ideas, which bolsters tension and broaden options. His work is characterized by unpredictable flows and polyrhythmic complexity. In this trio with sharp-eared bassist Chris Tordini and multi-faceted drummer Dan Weiss, Mitchell continues to explore intricate, non-obvious time frameworks. 

The album opens with “Sponger”, an impressive track that lays puzzling rhythms beneath sinuous phrases, exploring contrasting timbres and textures. “Apace” showcases both chanting and swinging qualities, similar to “Rapacious”, which thrives on zestful, energetic drumming. “Jostler” introduces humor-infused motifs over an irregular beat and hopping bass patterns, while “‘Rejostled” perpetuates cyclic anxieties.

Angled Languor” features deliberately indolent piano playing, at times reminiscent of Paul Bley, set against a foundational tapestry weaved by sure-footed bass notes and sizzling brushwork. A similar languidity appears on “Apical Gropes”, an abstracted reverie that can’t quite match the haunting serenity of “Gauzy”.

Cinch” is delivered with intention and intensity, establishing an irrepressible rhythmic flow that only breaks down towards the end. In contrast, “Optical Gripes” presents a significant mood shift, leading Weiss to abandon the syncopated beat in favor of soft brushing. “Grail Automating” emphasizes fluidity, with Mitchell’s excellent note choices adding textural color against the full-bodied backdrop of bass and drums.

The 17 tracks that make up Zealous Angles — a monument to unbridled creativity — were recorded in just three hours, capturing Mitchell and his peers in a gracious state of grace. The album keeps listeners on their toes, always curious about what will come next.

Favorite Tracks:
01 - Sponger ► 02 - Apace ► 03 - Jostler ► 12 - Gauzy