Allison Miller / Carmen Staaf - Nearness

Label: Sunnyside Records, 2022

Personnel - Allison Miller: drums; Carmen Staaf: piano.

On Nearness, a new recording that lives up to its name, drummer Allison Miller and pianist Carmen Staaf reconnect with the magnetic energy of their debut duo album, Science Fair (Sunnyside, 2018). Boasting a special chemistry that remains fun-lovingly intact, the duo shows a tremendous adaptability to any sort of modern jazz, presenting eight originals - three by Miller and five by Staaf - and two covers.

The lead-off track, “Dan Dan”, a product of Miller’s compositional creativity, is soulful, elegant and driving. In complete control of the kit, the drummer combines different parts to create warm and catchy sounds, while Staaf effortlessly accomplishes textures and tempos. They know exactly which type of sound suits each piece and do it tastefully.

Miller’s searching “Top Shelf” is another great illustration of their capabilities, kicking off rubato but advancing with surprising findings for an avant-garde meets post-bop delivery. This number, having a triple time feel conducting its rhythmic impetus, was originally recorded on Parlour Game, a 2019 album by Miller and violinist Jenny Scheinman, in which Staaf is also featured. Another piece retrieved from that album and included here is “Beans and Rice”, in which angular melodic traits combine with the swinging flow; we can hear Monk and Duke Ellington or, in other instances, Don Cherry and Oscar Peterson.

Staaf shows a strong affinity for the blues, contributing “Blue Thrush”, which is underpinned with selective percussive elements, and also “New York Landing”, whose twelve bar cycle in plain 4/4 allows for well seasoned chops. However, it was “Birds” that better worked out, a fluid popish song with magic in the interplay and traces of The Beatles and Keith Jarrett, which suddenly evolves to a Latin thrust before its dreamy ending.

Taste overrides technique, and the rendition of the jazz standard “The Nearness of You” is silky-smooth, sensual and exotic. On the other hand, Monk’s indelible ballad “Ask Me Now” doesn’t need much more than its sculptural melody to captivate. Nearness is an agreeable album sure to leave you with more gratification than before you start listening to it.

Favorite Tracks:
01 - Dan Dan ► 03 - Top Shelf ► 06 - Birds